2024 Punters


Grade Scale for Ceiling/Floor: High-End Starter: 80+ | Avg. Starter: 60-79 | Backup/Situational Starter: 40-59 | Roster Filler: 20-39 | Camp Invite: 0-19 |
NFL Readiness: Graded on 0-5 scale
Grade calculation: Average of Ceiling(x3) and Floor + NFL readiness
RAS: Relative Athletic Score
RkPlayerPosSchoolHtWtBenchFortyVertCeilingFloorReadyGradeScouting Report
P1Matthew HayballP Vanderbilt----------0.0
P2Ryan RehkowP BYU6'4"23531 1/4----0.0
P3Nic ConstantinouP Texas A&M----------0.0
P4Tory TaylorP Iowa6'4"22332 1/8----0.0
P5Jack BlumerP Kansas State----------0.0