Ereck Flowers OT Miami FL #74
Wt: 329
Size/Athleticism: Dominant size in every aspect. Has long arms. Carries his weight well and still moves with ease for a guy at his size.
Pass Protection: Strong lower body allows him to handle the bull rush with ease. Quick feet for his size allows him to handle speed rushers. Knows how to use the momentum of the pass-rusher against him. Inconsistent footwork and loses his balance too easily—although he’s strong and flexible enough to recover.
Run Blocking: Moves well for his size. Gets to the second level, quickly identifies his target and locks on. Does a great job redirecting his assignment to seal off running lanes.
Intangibles: Plays with a mean streak and finishes off his blocks. Still makes some dumb mistakes (false starts, holding penalties).
Durability: Missed one game after midseason knee surgery in 2014.
Overview: Flowers is raw in his pass-protection, but should immediately be a force in the running game. Some teams may prefer to use him as a right tackle or even a guard initially, but he definitely has left tackle potential. He’s a high-upside prospect, with a relatively high floor as well due to his projected immediate production as a run blocker.